ESA BIC Brindisi is joining the National Space Day 2023 promoted by the Italian Space Agency (ASI)

On the afternoon of Friday 15 December, from 4.30 pm, the webinar ‘We need more space! – Start-up, innovation and space economy’.
The initiative, dedicated to students, young entrepreneurs, and space enthusiasts, will explore the powerful concept of spillover in the space industry.

It will illustrate how investments in the space sector generate technological innovations and economic benefits that extend far beyond aerospace, positively influencing multiple industrial sectors and the global economy.

There will also be a presentation of ESA BIC Brindisi, the first and only startup incubator in Southern Italy that is part of the network of ESA Business Incubation Centres, coordinated by DTA, and details will be provided on the Open Call to enter the incubation programme.
At the end of the speeches, there will be the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers and interact with the experts.

You can follow the webinar here
The list of National Space Day events is available here.