ESA BIC Brindisi is coordinated by Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale, with the support of the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, and the contribution of 10+ scientific and industrial partners.
- 50 000 € of zero-equity funding
- 80 hours of technical support from leading experts in the region and from ESA
- 50 hours of business coaching from venture builders and consultants
- 10 hours of legal and IPR advice
- Access to ESA and ASI network, and the network of ESA BICs
- Fundraising guidance and opportunities
- Participation in workshop, international events, fairs and business conventions
- Promotion and visibility on european level
- Office space and shared desks in DTA headquarters in Brindisi
- Access to laboratories and facilities of DTA, ESA and ESA BIC Brindisi partners
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